Pictured from left are Rod Eaton, TVSC school board member; Tom Craft, TVSC school board member; Bryan Murphy, TVSC school board president; Mark Wise, TVSC school board vice-president; and Dave O’Brien, TVSC school board secretary.
(Photo provided)
The Board of School Trustees of the Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation was recognized as a Master Board during the recent Regional Meeting of the Indiana School Boards Association. Tippecanoe Valley’s School Board was one of only five in the region to receive this recognition.
Master Board recognition requires all members of a school board to individually earn at least 75 points for participating in various ISBA activities which includes the annual fall conference and the completion of a formal self-evaluation.
School Board President Bryan Murphy was also the recipient of an award for earning the required number of points to recognized as a Master Board member. This is the highest possible level of recognition for an individual school board member.
Members of the Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation’s Board of School Trustees include: Rod Eaton, member; Tom Craft, member; Bryan Murphy, president; Mark Wise, vice-president; and Dave O’Brien, secretary.